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Customer Feedback

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Customer Feedback


Data collected in the call center is extremely valuable to an organization, providing insight into product and service offerings, brand messaging, and overall customer satisfaction. By listening to your customers and utilizing this feedback to optimize your offering, your company can become a true market leader.


ARC Pointe Call Center Solutions delivers actionable and measurable intelligence through our Customer Feedback Surveys, which allow our clients to gain valuable insight into our their customers view our service. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and data to create improved, long-term relationships with your customer base.


Post-Call Survey Features

This feedback is not only of value to our clients, but also provides insight into our agents’ performance in creating a positive experience with your company. This data allows ARC Pointe to hold our team accountable to KPIs, while also filling in any gaps in training and coaching to improve your overall account performance.


Benefits Include:

  • Improved customer satisfaction and longer customer relationships
  • Enhanced brand messaging demonstrates to your customers that you want and appreciate their feedback

Sales Inquiries:

(702) 772-4000

Customer Support:

(866) 330 0305
(702) 537 0753