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Quality Assurance

Home Delivery Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance


ARC Pointe Call Center invests considerable time and money in ensuring the highest level of quality for all clients’ customer interactions (voice, chat and email). Every interaction within our contact center is monitored, allowing our Quality Assurance Team to evaluate the quality of all agent communications and determine ways to optimize quality. The proactive monitoring approach taken also provides immediate feedback to agents on their performance, which facilitates a greater opportunity for change while a customer contact is still new.


Evaluation & Monitoring

The focus of our call monitoring efforts is on quality improvement. Our dedicated Quality Assurance Team works closely with our support staff (Team Leaders and Team Managers), which also performs daily monitoring and coaching sessions to ensure high internal service levels throughout the center. Similar processes apply in our Live Chat and Email Response environments, reviewing transcripts and metrics tracking in electronic interactions.


At a minimum, our agents are monitored at least once every two days. Agents are evaluated and scored on various quality criteria for their communications, and then consulted on their performance including areas of success and those in need of improvement. Agents are also encouraged to provide any feedback at this time on their account, which will be shared with our client.

Sales Inquiries:

(702) 772-4000

Customer Support:

(866) 330 0305
(702) 537 0753