When a customer calls help desk support with a problem, the one thing they want is a quick and effective resolution. Any type of error, breakdown or interruption in their workflow is frustrating and can have serious consequences for their career or personal life. Their stress must be met with genuine assistance as soon as is humanly possible if you want to impress them with quality customer service.

What do consumers want from a help desk or technical product support center?

Quick personal contact – While some people may prefer to search for the answer to their problem and try to implement it themselves, a personal touch cannot only solve their problems more quickly, but also improve customer relations overall.

Tickets should be answered well within 24 hours of creation, and the sooner the better in all cases. Tech savvy consumers can spot an automated response, but a quick note to let them know you received their ticket and will get back to them quickly helps. Email auto-responders are often used with good results.

Speedy reply to technical product support issues matters no matter what method of contact is used. Hire enough customer service representatives to field incoming phone calls without the need to have callers wait to speak to your support desk. Do not leave all tickets or help queries to one particular time of day instead of checking on them frequently.

Ease of use – Already bothered by an error or interruption, consumers should not have to navigate through a confusing or time-consuming help process. If the help desk support system includes a knowledge base that people can use to locate their own solutions, it should be searchable and complete. If a ticket system is utilized, asking a question should be simple and excessive log in procedures should be avoided.

What are the benefits for providing fast action on all help for technical issues?

More satisfied customers – Whether a company’s practices are fueled by a genuine desire to help people or just their bottom line, dealing with customer issues quickly makes sense. People who get assistance quickly feel like they matter to the business, and that emotional investment often leads to a long-term business relationship and more profits.

Customers appreciate quick and effective replies and solutions to all the problems they face during their work day or personal activities. Effective support teams who can provide this are a benefit to everyone involved.