Virtual medical assistants can help you run your practice more efficiently by freeing up your time so you can focus on other important areas of the practice. These professionals work remotely, so they can provide services anywhere there’s an internet connection. They perform tasks such as:
New Patient Intake
One of the biggest challenges facing practice managers today is how to keep up with new patients. Many find themselves spending more time than ever before trying to manage paperwork and other administrative tasks. This leaves less time for other areas.
Document Processing
It’s not uncommon for administrators to spend more than half their day doing paperwork. That’s where a Medical Virtual Assistant comes in. They take care of things like scheduling appointments, insurance verification, and other administrative tasks.
Contact Management
You might think that managing your patients’ contact information would be easy, but it’s quite difficult. Patients often forget to update their contact information when they move, change jobs, or even die. That means you need to keep track of every patient’s contact info yourself. It also makes it hard to send out reminders to patients about upcoming appointments.
Procedure Scheduling
One of the biggest challenges facing practices today is managing appointments. With so much going on in a day, it’s hard to find enough time to see each patient. Having a VMA schedule appointments helps you stay organized and focused.
They Can Do Data Entry
If you’ve ever worked with a Virtual medical assistant before, you know how much easier it is to work with them than with an on-site employee. They’re usually very organized and efficient. Plus, they’re often cheaper than on-site employees.
Our mission at ARC Pointe is to offer healthcare providers a better way to unlock the potential of virtual medical assistants to improve the patient experience.